MSE Professional Services 


  1. The principal focus of our work is in the audit of financial statements, financial management, internal control systems, internal audit, business information systems and tax advice to international companies. We also give training to our client's staff, principally to improve their accounting proficiency and tax knowledge. Additionally, we have experience in performing system audits to assess the capacity of undertakings, in terms of their ability to carry out their present and future functions, and development strategies to attain their objectives.
  2. We are familiar with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and US Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) as well as International Accounting and Auditing Standards (IFRS and IAS). For NGOs we also check compliance with the requirements of the Charities and Societies Agency's guidelines for NGOs, and NGO's contract documents for their projects.
  3. We are used to fulfilling the audit instructions from group auditors, so as to provide 'comfort' for them in respect of the Ethiopian element of group consolidated accounts.
  4. Besides the audit report, we write to management concerning audit findings and recommendations for suggested improvements in their internal control systems, compliance with policies, procedures and relevant regulations, guidelines, etc. We also issue both the audit report and the management letter in draft for discussion and comment by the appropriate level of the client's management before we issue final reports.