Our well qualified staff are always ready and genuinely interested in supporting you in all your Audit and Assurance needs.
With our sector specialists, we pride ourselves on providing you with a service with solutions to the challenges of navigating the rigorous Ethiopian Audit compliance laws.


Currently our firm utilizes personnel at the following qualification levels:
• 11 Chartered Certified Accountants, London
• 10 at the Professional stage of the qualification of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
• 20 other staff at various stages of attaining the ACCA qualification

Most of our staff members have BA degrees in accounting and related disciplines. The firm not only invests considerably in training its staff, but it has also adopted a policy of them obtaining further training and qualifications as a condition of being employed in the firm. This policy is proving to be of great benefit to our clients and to our staff, especially with regard to quality control.

1. Melaku Abeje, FCCA; 25 Years Experiences
2. Seid Abdella, FCCA, CIA, Dip-IFRS; 16 Years Experiences
3. Efrem Tsegaye, FCCA; 20 Years Experiences

Key Management
1. Nasser Eshetu, FCCA; 16 Years Experiences
2. Yoftahe Wubeshet FCCA; 19 Years’ Experience
3. Abraham Gebramlak, ACCA; 18 Years’ Experience

Our sector specialists can help you with:
• Financial Statement Audits
• Financial Statement Compilations
• Financial Statement Reviews
• IFRS Conversions
• Reporting On Controls At Service Organizations
• Audit Of Corporate Social Responsibility Report