Special Purpose Audit


We are sometimes required to report on financial information for a given purpose to a specific user. Our special purpose audit engagements are done in accordance to the International Standard on Auditing. They include:
• Financial statements prepared in accordance with another comprehensive basis of accounting;
• A component of a set of general/ special purpose of financial statements, such as a single financial statement, elements of accounts, specified accounts, etc
• Compliance with contractual agreements
• Summarized financial statements




Capacity Assessment


Our Capacity assessment services are designed to help you identify where the problem in your company lies and define what exactly it is.
Furthermore, it shows how much you are able to do with the assets you have and test your true “capacity”. Our clients require this service if they wish to expand or maximize their assets.




System Audit


Our system audit service will conduct an independent and systematic examination of the management controls within an information technology infrastructure. By auditing client’s system hardware, software, data, material and applications, we ensure that the allocation of resources is effective and strategic.

The process includes our auditors testing if the information provided is accurate and correct. The two tests used to satisfy the mentioned tasks are the compliance tests and the substantive tests. The compliance tests oversee whether internal controls are being applied properly. The substantive tests identify any errors in the figures and verify the accuracy.

We conduct system audits in the following way:
1. System review
2. Vulnerability assessment
3. Threat identification
4. Internal controls
5. Testing




Internal Audit


An internal audit aims to improve operations by introducing systematic approaches that evaluates different risk managements and governance processes.

At MSE we combine our industry knowledge with our internal audit methodology and tailor our internal audit offering to your size, sector, risk appetite and regulatory requirements. This enables us to offer you internal audit service that is right for your needs.

Our internal audit services are:

• Full outsourcing of internal audit
• Provision of specialist internal audit services
• Internal audit quality assurance reviews
• Process mapping and process reviews
• Internal controls documentation and testing
• Advising management teams to develop workable internal controls
• Providing advice on managing core operational risks




Forensic Audit


MSE’s Forensic audit practice covers a comprehensive variety of services from conducting forensic analyses of financial books and records to advanced fraud analytics. We examine financials records and derive information to help law enforcements and civil service agents in understanding a company’s financials, then derive information to help in court cases. It addresses concerns of:

  • Bribery
  • fraud and corruption
  • money laundering
  • other forms of financial misconduct and compliance issues

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