Managing Partner

Melaku Abeje


Prior to joining MSE Auditors Partnership, Mr. Melaku Abeje received training during an MBA program from the Edinburgh School of Business at Heriot-Watt University in the United Kingdom. Over the past two decades, Mr. Melaku has played an integral role in several stages of the firm’s growth and trajectory.

Currently, his primary role is to lead the firm and the growing number of accountants, auditors, and qualified staff members. His experience is found globally with programs such as the DSA implemented by the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and on expenditure/ budget advisory services to the Ministry of Finance for Ethiopia among others.

His certifications and associations include;
♦ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) UK
♦ The Institute of Internal Auditors
♦ Ethiopian Auditors and Accountants Association
♦ The Ethiopian Economic Association.